Saturday, February 7, 2015

bvdub - The Art Of Dying Alone (2010)

Another one from bvdub, but this time something a little different. Brock Van Wey creates music using repetition, because of that his tracks are usually very long (up to almost 30 minutes), it produces a hypnotizing experience. Before recording the first notes bvdub thinks about an emotion he wants to evoke in the listeners, he reminds himself about past experiences he had and comes out with a title. “To Finally Forget It All”, “No One Will Ever Find You Here”, “The Art Of Dying Alone” - we can see that the titles have meaning and that this album is filled with isolation, melancholy and contemplation. It reminds me of the medieval theme “Ars moriendi” although it wasn’t related to music. Listening to it really makes you contemplate about your life and death, and about life in general. It isn’t just something to listen to in order to kill time, mere entertainment, it is something more, something deeper, something more profound.


  1. The music you listen to and write about makes me think of a period of "my younger and more vulnerable years" when we were fascinated with 4AD and everything they released: Dead Can Dance the Pixies. It wasn't maybe so "serene", but there is something in its mood that made me think of e.g. "Persephone (the Gathering Of Flowers)"/ 1987.
